Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Prositutue research

Next to make sure we clearly portray are characters to the audience, we needed to do some research, especially for the prostitute scene as it would be dark and needed specific shapes and types of clothes to give the indications rather than colours.

We knew that prostitutes are a symbol of sex and therefore this needed to be portrayed within their dress. Therefore we started looking at typical costumes that symbolised sex, we came across the obvious, short skirt, high heels or knee high boots, low top structure for the costume.

Now we knew the basic structure we had to make the outfit look less fancy dress and more realistic and stylised so it was more believable.
We did this by looking at a specific successful film who had approached the theme of prostitution very seriously, realistically and effectively. this film was Taken.
We particularly looked at the kerb crawl scene in the film where the main character approaches a row of prostitutes looking for customers in cars.
We particularly looked at the outfit of the main prostitute, and why and how the director choose to dress her, as she was adopting the prime role as a prostitute.


In looking into the prostitutes outfits we noted the colouring the beige, golds and pink, being the prime colours. We particularly thought the idea of having a short pink dress with a jacket over the top, we had a more realistic approach than the fancy dress typical short skirt low top representation.
Amelia very conveniently had a similar type of dress in her wardrobe that would be perfect

Next another we noticed in our research was the use of fur in prostitute outfits. Especially fur coats, we found out that fur coats are common and realistic in prostitute dress, as the fur coat costs a lot of money, which means they most make a lot of money, get alot of money and must be good at what they do. Fur is also particularly scene around the hood of the prostitutes jackets in the film taken. We thought this must be a vital item in our costume

Amelia also very conveniently had a cropped fur jacket in her wardrobe. (INSERT PICTURE)

We topped of the look with a long thin handbag, fishnets and black heels. Overall we were very impressed with the outfit.

However we also had to approach the hairstyle, make up and accessories of our look. From taken's influence we decided to similarly use gold hoop earrings and the idea of having some of her hair up. Which we felt particularly has a strong message as it's although the prostitute is trying to better herself, by wearing her hair up, a posh and sosphisicated hair style not normally associated with prostitution. We felt this would promote the message of people being trapped in society very successfully. We also felt that having dark smudged make up would work very well, as it shows how run down the characters life is, the trappedness and corruptness of society.

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