Above are pictures of us using new media technologies, with the macs, macbooks, final cut pro, tripod, SD camera, SD memory card uploaders.
I felt in the research, construction, and planning and evaluation stages of our products that we used new media technologies for a variety of reason. In our research stages new media technologies were used to help inform us as the creators the successful conventions of our real media texts – in order to successfully appeal to our target audience. In the construction stages we used new media technologies to help us create the best possible outcome for our text’s, applying numerous edits, effects that would enable us to appeal to the audience in the best aesthetically pleasing way. In planning stages of our products, new media technologies helped us plan and communicate effectively so our products would be executed by the correct deadlines. Finally in the evaluation stages new media technologies helped us receive constructive feedback for all our products and to help us evaluate our products effectively in order to enable us to apply media theory to our text’s and learn from our strengths and weaknesses.
Myspace: In the research stages of our production we used Myspace numerous times it was one of the most helpful technologies in aiding us with research and understanding of the band and their fan base. Myspace is host for thousands of signed and unsigned bands and allowed us to choose a song from an unsigned band, which would be easier to get permission for. Myspace also enabled us to directly get in contact with the band asking them for permission to use the song. Myspace also helped us in how we would define the genre of the song and how we would appeal to the audience of this genre. For example as Myspace has a information section on the band, where we saw what genre they classed their music as, in this case ‘alternative’. Myspace also allowed us to browse pictures put up personally by the band and analyse how they presented themselves through appearance. This is where we realised the genre of the band we were producing a video for was of the rock- pop/alternative genre. We could tell this from the mise en scene of the band, skinny jeans, cheque shirts, dress sense typical to the rock-pop/ alternative genre. It also gave us insight into the bands target audience, by evaluating the way they portray there Myspace page in order to entice and appeal to fans.
Google as a search engine for millions of websites from millions of users and publishers also helped us with our research. For example it enabled us to do quick and sufficient research searches on our stereotypical representations we wanted to incorporate in our video. Also the image search as well as the web search, allowed us not only to do textual research but visual research into our stereotypes. This makes our representations stronger and more visually effective.
Youtube’s ability to host millions of videos from various people’s points of views and uploads, helped us significantly with our research into similar media products. It allowed us to be inspired by real music videos and incorporate their own successes into our own work. We got nearly all our inspiration of Youtube, with is function to access any video content at any time at any place with internet access.
4Music and Viva: are broadcasting channels for music videos of various genres and is a different type of technology compared to rest of technologies being mainly PC based. 4music and Viva’s content helped our research as we were able to view how a normal real life media music video would be distributed to its audience. This allowed us to see what conventions were used in order to appeal to the audience, and also provided us with feedback and information from how successful the music video had been, from figures of numbers of downloads and purchases.
iTunes is another new media technology that allowed us to further research into the song that we would be promoting and providing video for. This being as by going onto itunes store - a store purely based online, with only online buyers – we could see what genre they stated under ‘rock- pop’ on itunes. We could also read feedback from fans that had already purchased their music, and see what buyers of that music also bought.
Also within iTunes, we used the new media technology of Genius - a feature of iTunes which searches for similar music to the music you like to listen to. This was very useful when researching into similar artists and how they were marketed and what conventions they used in their products.
SD Video Camera
SD Memory Card
SD Memory Card Reader
Apple Mac
SD Video Camera
SD Memory Card
SD Memory Card Reader
Apple Mac
Above is the list of equipment we used in order to actually construct our products. All these elements were used in order to make the process of filming and creating as sufficient as possible. Equipment such as the dolly and tripod – although not essentials, specifically helped improve the construction process, by making the quality of the footage better, for example being held steady.
Isquint is programme which allowed us to upload are footage in the correct format in order to be compatible with the editing suite – final cut pro. Isquint is also a shareware file, which meant that I used a file which would allow me to add and change it at my needs.
Final Cut Express is one of essential new media technology programmes, as it allowed us to precisely edit and craft our video to the best possible outcome. Allowing the final video product to be of a high standard with many visual effects to visually and aesthetically please the audience. Also allowed us to include effects and visuals to how we wanted them to be represented, so we could appeal to our target audience more efficiently, by applying affects and conventions typical to the rock-pop/ alternative genre.
iTunes played another role in our construction stages of the products, as iTunes enabled us to purchase the content quickly online. So we could then import to iPod, CD disks, so we could play the song out loud for the band filming, practice lyrics with, examine and listen to the lyrics and tempo of the song, in order to fit the video the best we could to the audio.
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 is another new media technology that was essential to the construction of products, especially the ancilliary tasks; digi pak and magazine advert. It similarly allowed us to create the best visual effects possible in order to promote our product to its target audience.
Facebook, allowed us to plan more effectively, as it helped with the communication between me and my partner significantly, swapping ideas and visuals with each other - to help plan and sort the construction of our products. We also used it as a way of communicating with our actors and people who we borrowed props off, in order to plan where and at what time thing would take place. Without this quick and vastly used social networking site, with its additional features to chat instantly to people and upload and share pictures, our planning would not have been as effective. Facebook also aided us in keeping up with our time management and planning, as we set up events via Facebook, to make sure the date was official and would work well in order for us to finish by our deadline.
Blogger is another new media technology that helped with the planning stages, particularly as we could create posts that specifically set out what dates we would need to do activities in order to carry the construction of our products forward. It also allowed us to created structure to our work, so it was kept well organised, writing down our thought process step by step.
Youtube was used in the evaluation stages of our products, we used Youtube particularly to broadcast our music video and see how many views it received and what feedback in the comments it received. This helped us evaluate our product in terms of its successes and weaknesses and meant we got a variety of viewers of all different ages and in different locations.
Facebook was another new media technology that helped our evaluation stages, as when we uploaded our music video, we then received feedback on our video from the people we know. Facebook also provided a good host for the video, as it meant that we could ask people for their thoughts on the video quickly via Facebook chat and receive the comments quickly as well. Facebook particularly helped us on question three of the evaluation stages.
Final Cut Express also informed our evaluation stages, as I used final cut pro to create question two of the evaluation. Allowing us to evaluate our work, whilst using technology to assist us in what we are evaluation, for example having moving image alongside our audio analysis of our work.
Photoshop 7.0 similarly helped my evaluation stages, as it enabled me to present images and writing in a creative way and then transfer onto my blog as a JPEG file. This improved my evaluation by having effective visual links to coincide with the written analysis. Making my analysis stronger and backed up with visuals and evidence.
Finally Blogger had significant impact on the evaluation stages, as it is the primary host for all my evaluation questions. It features that allow me to upload images and videos means that my answers to the evaluation questions are communicated effectively to the audience. Also blogger acts very sufficiently as a virtual diary, allowing me to reflect over all I have done over the process of making my products, and allows me to evaluate them with detail.
Overall I used a variety of new media technologies to inform, improve and construct my final products. The main function of new media technologies was that they effectively allowed me to transform an already existsing media text 'Searching For the Sun in the Dark' song, and transform and created my own personal new identity to it. And then going further and getting feedback on my interpreation and effectively created subgroups of the song Searching For the Sun in the Dark by Lost in Colour.
Overall I used a variety of new media technologies to inform, improve and construct my final products. The main function of new media technologies was that they effectively allowed me to transform an already existsing media text 'Searching For the Sun in the Dark' song, and transform and created my own personal new identity to it. And then going further and getting feedback on my interpreation and effectively created subgroups of the song Searching For the Sun in the Dark by Lost in Colour.