Saturday, 20 November 2010

Editing Progress So Far and Editing Plans

So far we have uploaded the draft band footage and the white room footage. We still have a lot to film. but to help keep us on track we set out a brief plan of our timeline. The timeline shows the bits we need to work on, and bits we need to film. This should help us have a more wider overview of what needs doing, and aid us in keeping track of editing.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Further Editing

The editing develops, now experimenting with many editing techniques, for example i have in particular been looking at the method of overlaying footage, i found this worked incredibly well, when over laying shots of fire with Amelia in the white room, i found that it worked very well with her costume. This being as the the fire over layed looked like it was coming through the holes in her tights and through other flesh which was revealed. However in terms of this helping to portray the message of our video which is- to highlight the unfortunate situations which occur in society and how easy it is to make wrong decisions - this does not help the audience receive this message. Therefore although it has significantly increased my knowledge of editing, we most probably will not want to use this in the final edit of the music video.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Reseach into effects for editing

After we uploaded the footage we had filmed already we then set about research into editing, and the effects we could create.  
Some of the video filters that we experimented into were;  
- Glow, Dazzle
-Glow, Light rays
- Glow, Overdrive (stroppy)
-  Channel, invert
- Channel, Compound Arithmetic 
- Distort, Insect eye
- Distort, Wave

Monday, 15 November 2010

The Beginnings of Editing

In the last week we have began editing, we uploaded our music into final cut, and then began to trail through the masses of footage of amelia dancing in our white room scene and some of our performance shots. We began selecting specific clips we wanted at specific points in the music, and evaluating if they fitted to the music. So far we have quite a few specific parts we have created edited footage for, however there is still many gaps to fill with footage.

So far we have not been able to get the rest of our filming done, for example the footage in london. This has been due to awkward timing and our other commitments, and it seems likely that me and amelia might slip of our schedule for the project.  However me and amelia have decided if worst comes to worst and we do not get london filmed before end of term, we have numerous days in which we can spend a full day in london, instead of rushing the filming and neglecting other commitments. This will allow us to get the best footage we can, and in some ways benefit our video.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Difficulties found with draft footage of band

Recently we have uploaded our draft band footage and tried to fit it onto our searching for the sun in the dark time line. However when doing so we came across numerous problems!

- Lip synchronisation was all wrong
- Lyrics didn't match the lip movements
- Holding the notes
- Trying to create dark background with A1 boards and dimmed lighting, looked bad, and the lighting made the footage's quality decrease.
- Actor was not confident with the song and motions he had to perform in order to look like a lead singer of he band.
However these problems increased my editing skills. As i tried my hardest to match the lyrics to the mouth movements, i used fast cuts to hide the bits where the mouth movements were dubious, also i cut out bits of the mouth holding the note for too long, or copied and pasted a mouth movement if the actor hadn't held the note for long enough.

After this experience, we have set out numerous and vital checks and preparation for us to avoid when doing the real/official band filming.

- Get actor to listen to the song many times before actually needs to mine/sing it
- Count timing and how long to hold certain lyrics
- Practice the mouth shapes that need to be form in order to suggest exact pronouceation of lyrics
- Find a better suited backdrop

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Draft Filming for Band/Performance Shots and Research

We began to think about our band and performance shots within our video. We realise they were very important parts of our footage, and realised we might need to do some draft filming in order to make sure we get in right in the official filming.

Also before we started filming, we were not through a few brief preparations before filming, for example i selected an appropriate costume that might be worn by the lead singer of a band. Similarly also selected an actor with long hair and  made it scruffy, as from my research this was the hair style and costume style band members of the same pop rock genre wore in their videos. Influence below

I similarly applied this research to my own draft filming and actor..

Also in preparation for the filming i purchased black A1 boards to blue tac to the walls, so it created the black backdrop we wanted.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Overall, Evaluation/Treatment of Research and Planning

We filmed our process so far, specifically focusing on how we met the criteria objectives in terms of research and planning.

We ran out of time to explain how we had met each criteria, so heres a written summary of the remaining criterias:

Criteria three: Work on shortlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.

• Together we listened to the song repeatedly on our iPods’, and came out with many draft notes and short lists of what we wanted to include in our video and how it would be structured.
• We made a storyboard of the scenes, shots, locations and characters positions we want to include in our film, in a structured.
• Also in terms of drafting before we filmed our white room scene, we did practice runs of dressing up in the outfits at home, drafting what it would look like on the actual day.


Criteria four: Time Management

• We set out a planner of when we planned to do what in the process of making our music video, so this helps us keep to a schedule and nothing gets delayed.
• We also give ourselves mini deadlines within our group, for example, get the story board done over the weekend, film the white room seen within this week. Mini deadlines helps our work get done in manageable deadlines.


Criteria Five: Care in the presentation of research and planning.

• We take care of presenting our research in planning by using our blogs regularly, updating new research and planning measures.
• We also include videos, print screens and pictures, to try and keep our blogs as visual as possible so our blogs are ascetically pleasing, nice to look at, and will show our planning and research to its best.
• We also make sure we take a camera to every valuable session we have to produce lots of photos, and to help improve the presentation of our blogs, having personal evidence of our research and planning.
• We also keep a plastic wallet of paper notes, lyrics and images we want to include in our blog, so that we do not loose them, and remind our self of what we want to present in our blogs in terms of the research and planning.


Criteria Six: Communication skills

• We exchanged phone numbers immediately, and immediately started texting numerous random thoughts we had on ideas for the music video content. This helped us dramatically with coming up with such a variety of ideas to include.
• When choosing the props and costumes for the first filming, we sent pictures of what we had found via email constantly through the evening.
• When we encounted a problem of charging our camera for filming after half term, we emailed each other trying to help each other and also our teachers to try and look for a possible solution.
• We very conveniently have the same free period as each other, within these we regularly meet up, update our blogs together, do further planning and research, such as looking for outfits in charity shops.
• Also at lunch time we meet up in the editing suit, evaluate our process so far, and what further planning or research needs to be done.
• We also send each other photos that we have taken to record our process, so we can put them on our blogs, we also email work and research we come across, as a way of communicating with each other.
